The Encircling Sun
The sun shines abundantly in our Region, and symbolizes life, hope, growth, and the abundance referred to in John 10:10.
The “Crown” Atop the Sun.
Jesus’ Kingship is symbolized by the Crown at the top of the sun. He is King of Kings, who is Lord of all. One day we will cast crowns at His feet.
The Two Verticals
They represent: “Your Rod and Staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4
The Two Horizontals
(The Outstretched Arms of Jesus)
They symbolize His: “Goodness and mercy follow me.” Psalm 23:6
The Rod and the Staff, and Goodness and Mercy, come together to form a Cross. The action of Christ on the Cross is the foundation on which we build our values as a Community. His acts of love and sacrifice remind us to serve Him through serving others.
The crook of the Staff is at the centre of the Cross, just as the love and compassion of the Good Shepherd is at the centre of what He did on the Cross for us.